Confession Of a Friend

on Senin, 28 Februari 2011

maybe it's hard for me to say

it's hard for me to be honest

but it's came from the bottom of my broken heart

so many nights, so many times that we spend time together

of course as a friend, as a 2 different kinds of person

I just realized in a hour a go

when you were changed, when you didn't act like the person who I ever known

when you said that we can't do the same thing like we did before

Oh God, it's true, my heart is broken

just like an empty glass dropped from table

and divide into a hundred of pieces

But, it's life

sometimes we are happy, sometimes we feel so sad

I lost my words, and nothing to say . . .

Okay, let me finish my confession

I was in love with you

no matters you know what inside my heart

no matters you love me too or not

no matters you what are you thinking bout me now

I just want to blow up what inside my heart

what I have hid for a long time (not quite long time, but it felt like)

"if you still love someone, do your very best to hang on to that person...

whether it's finally work out or not, you'll have no regret whatever happened... because you've tried your best..."

I just want to be your friend, okay more than just friend

no, just friend, because loving someone is keeping someone that we love warm, beloved, comfort, happy ever after

I know, I can't do all that things,

yes, I don't know how to do all that things

maybe or yes there's a person would love you better than me

a person who love you and give you all that you need

It's enough for me just be your friend

I don't need more

always beside you, watch you smile, listen your story

that would make me better

even maybe it's hurt, but it's okay

when you happy, I'm happy for you

when you sad, I will always here for you

when you in love with someone, I will step backwards and smile

that's what friends are for

from the person who always love you

(hope I can say this note in front of you, hope you understand)

Wildan A. Maulana

P.S :

beberapa hari ini perasaan saya lagi melow gara- gara seseorang (jadi pengen nangis T_T)
jadinya nulis sebuah Confession- lah
semoga dia mengerti apa yang aku tulis ini, walau mungkin dia ga membacanya

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